What is the color palette in branding?
A brand color palette includes a set of colors that represent the brand's personality. The colors in the brand color palette will be used in the logo, on the website, on the business cards, etc. Hence, it is important to choose the brand color palette with the utmost attention. 

How can a color palette affect the branding or identity of a brand?

Brand colors are part of the visual identity, and they can communicate the brand's personality, values, and emotions. They can also create associations and expectations in the minds of the target audience, and influence their decision-making and loyalty.

How to create a digital color palette with color codes?
One of the simplest ways to create a professional-looking color scheme is to take a few tones, tints, and shades of a given color (avoiding the pure hue), and then add in another pure hue (or close to pure) that's at least three spaces away on the color wheel (part of a tetradic, triatic, or split-complementary color

Color palettes form the visual foundation of your brand, help to maintain consistency, and make your user interface aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use.

Points to be noted while creating a color palette-
  • Brand Identity, Emotions, White space, Self-Expression, Complementary. Contrasting, Audience.



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